How Penis Erection Works?

Introduction: Men & Sexuality 

 Sexual health and well being is one of the most important aspects for a healthy man in his prime. A man with a healthy dose of libido is able to achieve strong arousals which can lead to great satisfaction for himself and his partner in bed. Unfortunately, in today’s age, several factors like tremendous work pressure, multiple responsibilities, unhealthy intake of chemically treated food and drinks are diminishing a man’s virility. As a result, strong virile men at their prime are forced to become prematurely aged, without having the energy and charisma to take life head on.

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Penis & Erections: Understanding your body

A great number of men these days come up with a variety of problems which are not only linked to sex and sexuality but also concern the penile and erectile health. Flaccid penises, soft, weak and semi erections are what these men speak of when asked about factors that are disabling their sex lives slowly. Limp penises instead of what it is supposed to be a fully engorged and strong erection can make penetrative sex impossible.
Now, to understand this crushing problem, we need to understand how the penis works and how a penis achieves an erection when you are aroused.

Getting the Basics Right: Know your Penis

  • The penis is the primary male sexual organ. It has a long shaft and a head or glans at the end of the shaft.
  • Inside the penis, there are two cylindrical chambers called the corpora cavernosa situated along the length of the penis.
  • Underneath these chambers there is the spongy tissue known as corpus spongiosum. Through this tissue, runs the urethra, the all important tube through which urine and semen is pushed out of the body.
the corpora cavernosa

  • The tunica is an outer cover over the corpora cavernosa. It controls the amount of swelling a penis can attain and carefully helps in balancing the pressure within the penis during an erection.
  • Primarily there is one main artery in each of the corpora cavernosa and there is a complex network of veins in that area also. These arteries and veins are the primary carrier of blood in and out of your penis and help you achieve erections.
  • There is also a large network of nerves in your penile area which can relay stimulation from your senses to your sexual organ.

How does an Erection work?

Let’s find out how our body reacts when we find sexual stimulation and we react by sporting an erection.
Clinically known as penile tumescence, is physiological phenomenon through which the penis becomes enlarged, firmer, stiffened and engorged. This happens when there is an influx of blood into your penis. As the blood enters the penile muscles and tissues, a complex change within the nerves, blood vessels and tissues makes your penis harder and rise up.
  • Any sensory stimulation like touch, sights, and sounds can cause your libido to take charge. Even erotic memories or sexual fantasies can send neural signals to your brain. This is the generation of sexual excitement.
  • The nerve system carries these stimuli to the brain. As a result the para ventricular nucleus part of the brain increases the amount of signals it sends out to the body.
  • These signals are then relayed from your brain to the corpora cavernosa through the autonomic nerves in the spinal cord to the pelvic nerves to the cavernous nerves.
  • As the signal reaches the corpora cavernosa and the surrounding arteries, the muscle fibres themselves relax. Due to this relaxation process, blood can come in and fill up the empty places now opened up.
  • As the blood rushes in, the scientists have measured an astounding 8 fold increase to the amount of blood that goes into your penis. All this blood essentially expands the tunica, which is around the corpora.
  • Now as the tunica becomes enlarged and it is stretched, it essentially blocks of all the veins that maintains the outflow of blood from the penis to rest of the body.
  • As a lot of blood is then trapped within the penis, the resulting pressure from the blood influx helps the penis get an erection. The penis is able to hold on to the erection as the veins which can take the blood out are already blocked off.
strong erect man

How does Erection lead to Ejaculation?

male sexual glands anatomy
  • When the penis is erected, the pressure inside the penis is almost double the amount of pressure of the primary blood flow in the body.
  • This occurs as the pelvic floor muscles are also contracted. This contraction tightens the corpora cavernosa in turn and helps to maintain the high degree of pressure.
  • As a man is thus aroused and erect, engaging in sexual activities will enable sperm to be readied up for ejaculation.
  • Sperm is taken from the testes by cylindrical tubes called the vas deferens to the back of urethra. Seminal fluid also builds up here.
  • When the urethra senses the influx of semen in it, it engages in a neural signal conversation with your spinal cords and your brain cells.
  • The spinal cord, upon the signalling of the urethra and on the direction of the brain, asks the pelvic floor muscles to engage in powerful contractions.
  • Due to these contractions, the sperm is ejaculated through the urethra out of your body.
  • Immediately upon an orgasm, the physiological change enables the muscle fibres in your corpora region to contract.
  • Immediately upon contraction of these muscles and arteries, the blood influx into the penis reduces. Along with it, the pressure also diminishes.
  • Due to this the tunica is relaxed and now the veins are able to carry the blood out of the penis. Thus the penis loses the erection and returns to a normalised state.

Weak Erections: A cause of Concern

We have discussed the complex physiological transformations your body undergoes when you attain an erection, leading to ejaculation and finally settling in relaxation. A problem with any part of these processes may lead to the inability to attain or sustain a hard strong erection.
  • Cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure or high cholesterol may disrupt your ability to gain erections./li>
  • Hormonal problems such as a low testosterone count may cause weak erections. Nervous disorders or diseases may result in erectile dysfunctions. Over indulgence in pornography, substance abuse, drugs or alcohol can also botch up your sexual life.

Solution to Erection problems: The role of Nutrition and Juicing

Organic juices and juicing recipes are a healthy and effective solution when it comes to treating ED and attaining harder and bigger erection than ever before. The nutrients and the organic compounds found in many fruits and vegetables can be extracted through juicing and in taking of them increases your sexual health and performance also.
By extracting all the necessary nutrients in their most natural form, juicing bypasses the hassle of impaired digestive functions and delivers the raw goodness directly to your system
All the testosterone boosting and libido increasing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anti oxidants found in fruits and veggies like Beetroot, Pomegranate and Watermelon can be taken easily through juicing daily and efficiently.
Juicing helps you thus to increase your testosterone and increases the semen volume to a great extent. Juicing also aids in greater blood flow and circulation, countering the effects of ED and helping you get better erections.
Juices also are able to cleanse the body of many harmful chemical residues and aids in wholesome detoxification.
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Attaining and maintaining bigger and better erections can radically change your sexual performance and the amount of pleasure you share with your partner. Thus understanding how your body functions is extremely important. Finally, switching to healthier alternatives like juicing can help you cure the symptoms you face and bring you a sexual reawakening.

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